Dynamic Vietnamese

The Join-in courses are strategically formulated based on pronunciation, practical vocabulary, and conversational language patterns needed for you to have a firm understanding of Vietnamese word and grammar structures, and successfully survive and thrive in everyday scenarios. Throughout the courses, speaking and listening skills are strongly emphasized in each lecture and exercise. They aim to build a firm foundation of Vietnamese language and provide initial insight into Vietnamese culture, preparing you for more advanced courses.
The Connect Vietnamese courses continue to prioritize speaking and listening skills. To enhance your conversational Vietnamese, you will work with a wider range of functional vocabulary and grammar patterns needed to articulate more elaborate conversations and deliver short informational presentations. You will also gain a deeper knowledge about the composition of the Vietnamese language and culture, enabling you to communicate more effectively and build a stronger connection with the Vietnamese community.
Each of the three courses in the Share level is systematically packed with a diverse set of authentic and semi-authentic materials that gear you toward contextual vocabulary acquisition, enabling you to achieve a greater language fluency and accuracy. You will be frequently exposed to reading and listening comprehension practices (news articles, academic writings, movie clips, audio records, songs, etc.), oral discussions and presentations, writing assignments and other communicative activities, giving you all the tools needed to expand your selection of conversation topics, express personal thoughts and assessments, and dive into the Vietnamese life, culture and traditions with a broader insight.
The Like Family courses aim to raise your Vietnamese language and cultural competency to a high-proficiency level. A wide selection of inspiring literature pieces and authentic materials used in each course will stimulate classroom discussions, and offer depth and breadth of Vietnamese language and culture. Lessons will also be structured based on topics directly related to your needs and interests. Throughout the program, you will learn to use your interdependent skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking to analyze, evaluate and communicate effectively in different oral and written forms. With constant exposure to real-life scenarios, you will continuously enrich your transferable Vietnamese language and social skills which will contribute to your personal development, build a film foundation for higher education and employment, and help you become an integrative member of the Vietnamese community.

Greetings and introductions

Shopping; Transportation

Hobbies and interests

Jobs and occupations

Order foods and drinks

Describe daily activities

Ask about and describe people, places, objects, events, etc.

Schedule appointments

Give and ask for directions

Time and daily activities

Routines and habits

Buy and elaborately describe products and services

Express capability, possibility, permission and plan

Effectively convey needs and feelings

Talk elaboratively about likes and dislikes

Health and illness, medical treatments

Use a variety of simple and complex grammar structures

Weather, climate and geography

Personalities and characteristics

Describe and rent residential and vacation properties

Explain hobbies, interests, habits and routines in depth

Describe jobs, businesses or working environments in details

Communicate opinions, instructions and explanations

Share about your areas of expertise, passions, goals, etc. in more demanding contexts

Demonstrate a great control over grammar rules and language skills

Comprehend and accurately use idiomatic expressions

Present your perspectives, assessments, evaluations in a culturally appropriate manner

Coherently elaborate on a matter, an idea or a plan at both concrete and abstract levels

Understand Vietnamese spoken by native speakers at a natural pace and in different regional accents and dialects in a variety of formal and informal contexts

Coherently and spontaneously express yourself verbally and in writing to different groups of audiences and in different communication exchanges.

Develop a comprehensive inventory of vocabulary and grammar structures needed for reading and understanding technical and non-technical writings.

Demonstrate an excellent control over complex grammar structures, mechanics, idiomatic language and cultural know-how in order to respond spontaneously and articulately in every-day-life scenarios of different levels of formality and complexity.